Water Temperatures to Mix and Feed Colostrum Replacers
“What should the temperature of the water be for the colostrum before it is fed?”
Cheryl Davis from Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, responded to our Vita Plus Dairy Showcase e-newsletter with this question about colostrum replacers:
“What should the temperature of the water be for the colostrum before it is fed?”
Cheryl, you asked an important question. Use 1.5 quarts of water that is about 115 degrees F to mix one full packet of SerPass 150 or SerPass 200 colostrum replacer. Use a clean wire whisk to mix the powder into solution (approximately 30 seconds). The ideal feeding temperature is 105 degrees F. Like maternal colostrum, SerPass colostrum replacer should be administered to the newborn calf via nipple bottle or esophageal feeder as soon as possible, preferably within the first hour after birth.
We appreciate the question, Cheryl, and are happy to send you two complimentary packets of SerPass 200 to use with your calves. Thanks for participating!
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Calf and heifer nutrition Colostrum management Starting Strong - Calf Care |