By Jaron Lewton | Beyond nutrition, proper gilt management leads to greater lifetime performance. Here are a few management considerations that are important pieces in setting up a gilt for success.
By Jaron Lewton
Whether you buy gilts to bring into the herd or have an internal breeding program, there are several things to consider when developing a selection checklist.
By Dave Chamberlin and Jaron Lewton
The productivity of a sow herd is dependent on the success of the farm’s breeding program, and the most successful breeding programs have clear and concise protocols. While every farm has its own breeding schedule and protocols, pork producers can use the following science-based tools and techniques to fine-tune their breeding program to improve the overall performance of their swine herds.
By Jessica Boehm More than 300 producers attended the Midwest Pork Conference in Danville, Indiana last week. This is a one-day conference focused on the topics that matter to the livelihood of hog producers. It inspired pork producers to keep up the good work as well as provided suggestions to further improve their production to